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An Update on All versions of Steampunk Holmes

Steampunk Holmes will be distributed in many formats this year: paper book, ebook, web book, audiobook, and iPad. The paper edition is at the printer right now and should be available to ship by the end of this month. You can pre-order it on  The eBook has been available for a while on SmashWords, but now you can also buy it from  The audiobook is just now getting ready for editing - it will probably be ready within a couple months but no promises on that yet.  We are still looking for a capable team to develop the Web book site, which will provide access to all the books as interactive web pages on an annual subscription basis.
Development of the iPad book app edition is going to take a while – four months at least – but the guys at Floodlight Software - that's the company programming that book app for us - are already off to a stellar start. 
This past week Floodlight Software delivered a portion of the functionality, which we used as a demo, at the BookExpo America (BEA) – the largest book fair in the United States.  Our Chief Marketing Officer, Julie Brannon, presented the demo of our iPad book app to more than 100 different publishers at the BookExpo and the response was overwhelmingly positive! The demo was rock solid, and although limited compared to the final product, it was of the highest quality. No unexpected error screens or hiccups during the dozens of demos Julie gave at the BookExpo. 
We'll continue to blog our progress with all the different editions of Steampunk Holmes. The goal is, and always has been, to release all five editions (i.e eBook, paper book, audiobook, iPad book app, and Web book) by the end of November.

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