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Preview of our Kickstarter Video

In order to finance the development of the iPad application for Steampunk Holmes: Legacy of the Nautilus we are launching a Kickstarter project in April of this year (2012) - two months from now!

From the beginning Steampunk Holmes was intended to be a book app; an enhanced ebook for the iPad.  In fact, that was its primary channel although now we've added simple ePUB and Audiobook channels to our future release plans.

The Kickstarter project hasn't started yet but we hope you'll do us the honor of sharing this video with other Steampunk and Sherlock Holmes fans so that they learn more about the it and consider funding the Kickstarter project when it launches in April of 2012.

If you are interested in learning when the Kickstarter project launches, send an email to (that's me!) and we'll send you an email when the Kickstarter project launches.  We won't share you email with anyone or abuse it - we just want to keep you abreast of developments in the project moving forward.